The article isn’t only about smartphones, but even if it were, there are still some models with a user-replaceable battery and a microSD slot to add more memory.
Buy quality stuff that lasts a long time and is upgradeable and repairable. If you can’t afford new, quality stuff, buy refurbished.
That means no shopping at Wal-Mart or the Apple store.
The apartment complex had super thin walls and you could hear even quiet dinner conversation from her neighbors. Everyone else just ignored eachother, but she always had to make a fuss despite being the loudest of the entire complex. Management would have loved to get rid of her, but she was on section 8 and cried…
Wrong. She’s as liberal as they come, had two of her own screaming children, and was herself the loudest screamer in the family. Usually our kid would wake up after she yelled and threw things at her kids, then would call the cops when our kid started crying. That apartment complex was hell.
Nope. Our neighbor was just a bitch. We were the resident managers of the apartment complex and it was her way of getting back at us for not giving her rent extensions (not our choice - the corporate office handled that.) It got so bad that the police helped us file a restraining order.
We made this mistake with kid #1. After awhile, she refused to sleep unless she was docked to the mothership. Sleep training later was hell (mostly because nosy neighbor called the cops every time we tried.)
Never again.
For $100 you can get enough cloth diapers to last until potty training. Ours have survived 3 kids and are still in good condition. There are also charities that can help with cloth diapering.
This is why I live in the desert. Nothing I’m allergic to can survive here except for one species of flowering tree that’s active for a couple weeks in early spring.
I have a great t-shirt I bought in Moscow that says, “In Russia, all roads are toll roads.”
It’s quite common over there for even legitimate police to stop people at random and fish for bribes.
Pro tip:
1) Tell them they’re allowed to watch as much TV as they want up and until Mom & Dad “wake up.”
2) Severely restrict TV viewing at other times.
3) Profit.
I have a coworkers & acquaintances group that is blocked by default in my privacy settings. This is for the people who I care enough about to not outright turn down a friend request, but don’t really want to share everything with.
Please don’t. This is basically an overpriced Chromebook. To say Apple’s build quality has gone downhill lately would be a incorrect. It fell off a cliff. If you’re married to Apple, try to find something 2014 or earlier that does what you want it to. Otherwise, make sure you get AppleCare.
Source: I fix these for a…
According to my wife, I use a putty knife in the kitchen.
I couldn’t find my bench scraper for a month after she put it out in the garage.
I regularly use a heat gun (no toaster oven) to crisp up leftover pizza at work among other things. I guess a hair dryer could work . . .
I use a password manager for the inconsequential stuff, but the important ones like my main email account and banks live only in my head. Those are the ones that got reused on random torrent sites.
Yep. She’s from a country where copyright law is not particularly well enforced and refuses to believe that sites like Popcorn Time, etc. are piracy, therefore risky.
My wife is a beautiful woman with many talents, but keep her away from electronics. The stories I could tell . . .
I don’t for 2 reasons:
1) I found out, that rather than come up with her own passwords, she just used mine all over the web including some pretty sketchy sites. Then I had to change all my passwords.
2) I need my computer for work. She has her own computer, but since mine is more convenient (always on,) she’ll use it…