Johann Taylor

Please don’t. Build quality from Apple has been plummeting the last few years. If you’re absolutely set on Mac, keep your old one as long as possible in the hopes that they clean up their act. Otherwise, buy a Chromebook. They’re built the same and cost 1/5th as much.

Source: I fix them for a living and I’m getting

Mine have already started. At least I live in a desert and only have to deal for a month-ish.

That’s how we do it, and so far so good. We do try to make sure there is variety though so that there will be *something* the kid will eat. We don’t force them to eat what’s served, but we aren’t about to cook an extra meal either.

All the ATM’s in my area have hardware buttons to the side of the LCD with braille on them. My guess is they’re numbered or lettered and the audio instructions tell them which to push.

If you’ve never noticed, ATM’s have a headphone jack for audio instructions.

My doc already does this. I appreciate it considering any time I leave a medical facility of any type I feel like I need to bathe in hand sanitizer.

YMMV but in my state if you stay more than 30 days, there’s no sales or hotel tax due and it gets refunded.

We recently learned this when the kids flooded the house and we got to live in a hotel for 2 months.

Mailchimp is actually SUPER strict about spam. If we have more than .5% of recipients mark email as spam, we can get our account shut down. They also don’t like large numbers of unsubscribes.

Vegans & carnivores can’t be friends.

My bookshelves are in Dewey Decimal.

My favorite sleep tech is my CPAP machine. It’s clinically proven to improve sleep.

Too bad the new ones are garbage. At least once a week we have one come into the shop with bad RAM which is now part of the logic board. They’re essentially built like Chromebooks. Nothing is repairable.

I always use a pro, but my taxes are pretty complex. Owning a business pretty much makes that a necessity.

I agree, but if you live with a SO who thinks MOAR SOAP = MOAR CLEAN these can actually save you a lot of money vs. letting them “measure” their own detergent.

It’s also important to remember that just because you win a chargeback case, doesn’t mean you aren’t liable for the charges. We had a case at work where a client authorized a repair, then changed his mind after it was already complete. He was mad that we refused to give him back his equipment until he paid, so he used

What I did was take a system image of my computer (I used Acronis, but it’s not the only option,) upgraded, then reloaded the image. This was back when it was still free for everyone. I was later able to do a clean install and it activated no problem.

When I host I always ask if anyone has any allergies or aversions well beforehand, and try my best to accommodate them.

Family eats what they’re served or goes hungry. I have certain in-laws that never made it out of the chicken nuggets and mac & cheese stage, and I’m not about to punish everyone else to suit their

I can deduct half from my federal taxes, but I’ve still already paid the 15%. That just means I don’t pay additional taxes on half of that.

For me it would mean hiring another employee instead of working 80 hour weeks. Then maybe I could only work 60 hrs/week.

It keeps weevils, pantry moths, and other assorted pests out. Our neighbors moved out and gave us a box of pancake mix that had an unknown infestation in it. We lost pretty much all of our dry goods within days. After that, we always use the plastic containers.