Johanna Rose

I disagree. The third one was my favourite. But of course you're entitled to your opinion.

As much as I love the world, some of the books just aren't all that good.

I record myself reading my first draft and listen to it on my way to and from work while taking a print out of the chapter with me. It makes it easier to find issues with sentence structure and flow, and it also lets me use the hour on the train productively.

So has DaVinci's Demons, IIRC. And I still think more naked Barrowman would have gotten me to enjoy the latter five episodes of Miracle Day a whole lot more.

Is it too early to start writing crossover fic with Doctor Who, then?

Elementary is very enjoyable. It's got a focus on character which is always a plus with case of the week shows.

Can you imagine though? Alice walking around Wonderland with her team? Forensic specialist Mad Hatter and Special Agent Cheshire Cat?

I could totally get behind Daniel Kaluuya as the next Doctor. I just really love that dude.

Never saw Noir, but I've heard good things. :D

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Thank god that German TV was all about the anime in the 90s. Without Nadia and Jura Tripper, my 90s anime experience would have been so much less awesome.

I just had a nostalgia blast to the early 2000s. Damn, I used to watch this show religiously.

I definitely agree with that statement. His Avengers fic is amazing also. (But pretty much anything he touches turns out great, so...)

Huh, okay. So, depending on whether or not you can stand a bit of slash, my nomination for best fic I've ever read goes to The Sacrifices Arc. The first four or so books don't feature much (if any) romance at all, and so if it's not your cup of tea you can read around the undertones with no problems.

Which is not a surprise, really. Most of the time you can kind of read that in the follower/friend/reviewer interaction. Those authors are very insistent on being the most anonymous that they can be.

I'm sorry, but are calling Neil Gaiman's Sherlock Holmes/Lovecraft crossover A Study In Emerald ridiculous?

I never had much interest in the next generation in either the books or fanfic, but that's definitely good to know!

I haven't actually read it yet (though it is on my list of books to read this year), but I was going from a cursory glance of both amazon and professional reviewers a few months back.

Amazon is allowing Fanfic based on certain works of theirs to be sold now, or so I've heard. So things are changing, albeit too slow for Potter fandom, I'd guess.

Well, I guess Amazon has done the first step, allowing Fanfiction for certain works to be sold. (Not that that's necessarily a good thing.) And of course it's not really in anymore for author's to speak out against fanfiction the way the GRRM and Anne Rice did, back in the day.