Johanna Rose

I thoroughly enjoyed this movie so much that even though I had to go to this fucking expensive 'artsy' type cinema to see it when it came out here a few months ago, I paid to see it twice.

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There's a nice spot by Samsung Life Insurance that shows part of the development process.

You didn't like Chronicle?

There's nothing wrong with enjoying something for what it is though, is there? I mean, if you were expecting hard-sci-fi from Torchwood I can see why you would be unhappy, but if you were in it for the weird campy fun and great character interactions (which Shield still has time to grow into, of course)?

But the impact of Series 3 just isn't as good then. They should at least watch some of the good episodes first to get to know the character dynamics and why CoE hits so hard.

As somebody who enjoyed Torchwood unironically, SHIELD isn't even close to the same level of campy awesomeness.

Also, stop after season five or be prepared to suffer through a whole lot of uneven seasons until it gets good again.

Because they didn't want to. It's the same reason some people choose to write (ridiculously good) fanfiction instead of normal books, I'd imagine.

Surprised to find Hohlbein on here. I used to love that dude and his Märchenmond books when I was a young girl. They're some of his better books though, which I believe is the influence of his wife (who co-authored them, iirc).

Come join us here on the continent. It's not *that* far from the UK to France or sth... ;D

I don't think that Portman will be back anyway after the fuzz she made about not wanting to do this one, so he can just go right ahead and kill her off.

He could have brought them in without making his stories hand wavy as fuck. Also, he could have the weeping angels be a one-off, because every single time they show up in another of his episodes they get less scary and less intriguing.

Nah, I meant stuff that is British and already exists before he gets his hands on it (although I wasn't clear on that, sorry.) :D

Didn't matter with Sherlock, though, did it? The RDJ Sherlock Holmes movie came out in 2009 and Moffat's Sherlock was supposed to run that year as well (though the pilot wasn't all that good so the actual series ran in 2010).

Yes, exactly! Most of the ones before the Terrans rediscover Darkover are entertaining enough, but after they make contact it's very hit and miss.

I'm just genuinely hoping that if the show continues past the twelfth Doctor, that we're finally getting a new show runner. I've had enough of Moffat for a life time. Also, it's time, isn't it? We've had three years of him by now and so if he's doing two seasons of Capaldi it's going to be half a decade in total.

So it's basically YA Steampunk?

I quite enjoy the alternate universe version they're exploring in Perry Rhodan Neo at the moment. But yeah, I was given the first 50 or so silver books sometime in the 90s and it was very hard to finish the whole batch.

Oh Cassie Claire. The whole Draco Dormiens debacle put me off her stuff for life and she's pretty much the only person I've ever wished would fail. It seems like I'll finally get my wish when the movie bombs at the box office. (Though her newer stuff is supposed to be marginally better? Anybody knows if that's true?)