Johanna Rose
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My friends, I give you the triumph of intellect and romance over brute force and cynicism:

Vincze! You forgot one!

Or, "Everything that was cool about what Russel T. Davies spent the last four seasons building is about to be completely undone and forgotten about...also, remember that River Song character who seemed mysteriously awesome and full of epic potential in the little you saw of her in "silence in the library/forest of the

Love and Monsters is Citizen Kane compared to Daleks in Manhattan.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. content warning : It's Torchwood, but somehow, somehow even worse.

Children of Earth especially should have a big warning label. Several in fact. The humans are more monstrous than the aliens. A beloved character will die needlessly and another will commit an unspeakable act.

"We swear it's not just sex-crazed aliens."

And once again, I find myself asking: "The CW canned Secret Circle but kept this?"

Academy Award winning badass.

The other refreshing thing about this film is a competent and realistic female protagonist. Not another superdude.

The "information super highway"... really? 1997 called.

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No, I'm pretty sure it was right the first time.

Just give up and let him write and direct all the Marvel movies.

Boy, that Joss Whedon. The guy's a real marvel.

Is this too recent?

I can't wait to create a fan site for this on my geocities page

Perhaps somebody should Spice them up?