
Music is one way to get through a night that's three months long, I guess.

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More importantly, why is this news? Anytime a tow company gives me a tow I expect them to charge me.

Who towed him that was possible?

As if France could give a fuck about shitty American wine.

Still better than a republican.

Nancy Pelosi seems like a strong, independent woman who has done great things for her party and her country over decades. That is impressive and should be respected.

Yes some love for the 850!

“Bit-O-Honey ran a good campaign even though he lost to Ted Cruz.”

Yes, should definitely be “safe to say”! Thanks for the catch!

Does that make the instructor for the flight the Wang Commander?

Better headline: “Schedule two appointments in one day: first-in-the-morning and first-after-lunch”

This story blows holes through the position the NRA takes after every such incident. (Dana Loesch’s tirade on mental health in 3, 2, 1...)

This is why futbol is dumb. If you have 11 players, and someone runs across the pitch (120 yards long), then the other team deserves to pay the price for not hustling/ being as fast/ not having a defensive alignment to counter/ not being as good. Kiss my rugby ass.

C’mon, he is the poor man’s Springsteen. I think it’s even on his plaque at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Women aren’t a minority. They’re the majority of voters for all age groups. It’s just that white women are white before they’re women.

Those men had a lot of help.