Joe Propinka

Or Emily Watson.

See Emmy voters? See?

Rhea Seehorn plays Kim. Maybe the voters still remembers that she was part of Whitney.

I think it's more that political comedy is ascendant right now, and Fallon just doesn't do that stuff very well.

Comics Killmonger is actually a dude named N'Jadaka, who chose the name "Erik Killmonger" because he wanted to sound like a badass warrior.

Do you suffer from long-term memory loss?

Was it Rabin?

How Smash Is Mouth?

No "Amnesia" renaissance?

Morrissey is basically the world's oldest "clever: 13-year-old, which is even less endearing in a 50-something than it is in an actual 13-year-old or even a 20-something.

Stop Me Even If You Haven't Heard This One Before

It's….complicated. If the band's name is itself singular, it works well to treat the band as a singular entity. But if the band name seems like a plural, it usually gets treated as a plural.

Presumably violation of the contract for the book deal; if h can show that his book was dropped for something not covered by the contract, he could claim he's entitled to the amount originally agreed on as damages.

Fortunately, Robert Maitland was an orphan owned by the AV Club.

It's important that we decide who should run the country based on how upset we are at people who get upset about things comedians say, and not on the basis of, say, who's got the best economic, foreign, and domestic policies.

The movie really screwed up their chemistry by cutting the scene from the novel where she makes him a birthday cake with the special candle that means so much to him.

The Heartbreakers has Sigourney Weaver and Ray Liotta acknowledge their mutual awfulness and team up at the end to become a pair of grifters.

Given that Harpo can do impossible things like animate his tattoos, steal the birthmark off of someone's arm, and produce a cup and saucer of steaming hot coffee from nowhere, I'm not sure "real life" is the right term for Marx Brothers movies.

George Bernard Shaw's play is adamant that Henry and Eliza don't get together; he even wrote an entire essay about it at the end.

At least with Beatrice and Benedick there are hints that they has some sort of entanglement in the past.