Joe Propinka

I like how Spotify is committing informally, through an internal memo, to “incrementally” investing $100,000,000 in a variety of Black artists, which is reportedly the exact amount they’re paying the one white guy at the center of this mess. “We’ll eventually try to bring a bunch of Black people, collectively, on

Hey kids! It’s the Justice League!

1) The cost to produce Justice League was estimated at 300 million dollars.

Something that Loki, Vulture and Killmonger have in common is that they’re almost anti-heroes really. Obviously Loki also has had a bunch of movies to be more fully developed. Vulture and Killmonger particularly have relatable motivations taken to an extreme. Also, as you note, they both had the benefit of not being

The real Life Pro Tips are in the comments

Never ask a cop for help

Being Black at night, probably.

If you consciously voted for a abusive white supremacist because you felt spiteful that other people said mean things about you - such as you were stupid enough to consciously vote for a abusive white supremacist - you are objectively a stupid, selfish asshole.

Now playing

THIS is how you deal with these people. Billy Kristallnacht it out of the park:

They get no sympathy from me. Just like the men, they cheer on Trump’s attempts to destroy Moore or less every single part of Obama’s legacy (even when it’s Putin their own well-being in jeopardy)

Tells you how they feel about their children.

Damn Reich!

They’re Goering to have a hard time finding anyone else to date, though.

Never apologize for a Nazi pun thread.

I think these women are saying they did Nazi this coming.

He believes others should be persecuted for how they are born. He has signed off of Facebook posts with an acronym that stands for “gas all the k***s, race war now.” The only way to prevent him getting his wish could be with extreme consequences.


But that’s the only way real change will occur. White people need to call out other white people, on a personal level, on their bigotry. I’ve done something similar in my extended family in regard to people who are transgender. I had an uncle calling Laverne Cox a shemale. I took him aside and explained why that was

You answered your own question.

Western cultured capitalist white people will give a Nazi a chance to prove their worthwhile points. They will label anything that even slightly hints at there being a tiny price to pay for all that affluenza, as a horrible communist plot to make everyone (aka white people) slaves.