Joe Propinka

I think the problem here is that the strike is in part about renegotiating the lower residual/royalty rates from streaming, so even promoting older work would be a problem if it’s streaming somewhere. And Levi’s big projects are all the kind sof things found on streaming sites.


Now playing

There’s a COVID “shelter in place”-era table read for charity with most of the original cast that offers some glimpses at how well they might do:


Is it funnier or less funny to realize that “the Lone Ranger’s nephew” was actually a thing, since “the Lone-Ranger’s nephew’s son” was the origin story for the Green Hornet?

If they use the most recent comics by Ta-Nehisi Coates, that would essentially be the plot.

It occurs to me that many of the great Marvel villains in comics have traces of these same antiheroic tendencies: Thanos (as of the 1990s, anyway), Magneto, and of course Dr. Doom all have antihero elements, and while Killmonger isn’t as well known is comics, he’s always had bits of this there as well. And some MCU

In fairness, Jim Starlin had something like three epic storylines — 70s Mar-Vell, 70s Adam Warlock, and then Thanos Quest - to build up Thanos before Infinity Gauntlet. The movies would probably have to have a Thanos solo film to do the same work, and my sense is that they want “Thanos finally reveals himself” to be a

Wasn’t the whole “kill half the universe” thing his motive in Infinity Gauntlet? All they gotta do is show him having a vision of a mysterious robed woman or something.

Ruffalo-as-Banner is shown in a few shots of the trailer, at least.

Or a new genre of memetic joke, Taylor Swifities:

How will they Eva find a mate if they won’t date Braun people?

Edward Nigma and Otto Octavius would like a word with you.

As a war veteran empowered by a super-soldier experiment, isn’t Deathstroke more like Evil Captain America than Evil Batman?

<i>Mar-Vell, the alien dude who originally used the name Captain Marvel in the comics until he died of cancer in the ‘80s (because stuff gets pretty real in the comics from time to time).</i>

I’m afraid I have to stop you, as I’ve heard that one before.

He’s not half=bad. Very influenced by Morrison’s Doom patrol, but that’s not a negative.

Since I know I’m not that smart or funny, I’m going to parse this as sarcasm.

Yep. Every night on all the news networks.