Joe Propinka

Truly, we have the ultimate punk President.

Because people being interviewed like one book better than another book?

Which is a line from "The Queen Is Dead." So…a fan?

Again, where is the "driving the wrong way" thing coming from? There's nothing about it in the linked news story.

I don't see anything in the story about driving the wrong way down the street.

What's that old line about making enemies with someone who buys ink by the barrel?

After the guy who founded the Redpill turned out to be a state legislator in New Hampshire, a public figure.

Look at who the President is. Look at who his chief advisor is. Look at who the Attorney General is.

How about we name and shame them both, and maybe the number of people who think this shit is OK to do out loud decreases?

If I go in public and start spouting horrible racist shit, I *will* lose my job.

Try this and see if you can detect a difference:

By the 1990s, there were actually tape players that used audio cues to "skip" to songs on a cassette, but it tended to seriously diminish the life of the tape and the tape player.

So were the ones in his great run on V for Vendetta.

I;'m not sure you can have Jesus De Sade on basic cable and not bowdlerize him completely, which misses the point.

But it also had Super Metroid, Earthbound, and stuff with distinctive graphical styles like Yoshi's Island.

I was born in 1979, and my life is a confusing mess of media-generated labels.

I dunnio about that for the 16-bit systems. In retrospect, the Super NES titles have held up a lot better than the Genesis titles.

Though there was also a smaller dip around 1999-2000 when the dot-com bubble went up. It wasn't the catastrophe of 2008, but it was definitely felt.

And their clothing line, CHONK.

reema Agyeman previously appearing briefly as a Torchwood Canary Wharf employee who sneaks off to canoodle with her lover but instead becomes a victim of a Cyberman.