Joe Propinka

He's had roughly the same tenure as the other NuWho Doctors: Eccleston left very early, and Tennant stayed a little longer thanks to the year of specials, but that still averages out to about three years, the length of Smith's and Capaldi's stints.

The Flash Times at Ridgemont High
Ferris Aircraft's Day Off
Peter Parker Can Lose
She-Hulk's All That
National Lampoon's Animal House of M
Phased and Contused featuring Kitty Pryde and the Vision
Superman Revenge Squad of the Nerds

No, the popular thing right now is to go see superhero movies, as their box office results show.

I think it's his affair with Hester Prynne.

Lots of peasant revolts, plus the lack of complex modern infrastructure and surveillance technology made it a lot easier to live your own local, subsistence-level life.

Right? What?
What else is in the teaches of Peaches?

It's Speed Demon's time to shine!

Sure, right after the rest of the world gets a restraining order against the entire country, is populace, managed lands, and claimed territories.

I dunno, if we all pull together, we can probably make some Herostratus-type erasure go down.

I'm happy if they're attacking Trump, but a nanosecond after he's gone, they go on the "never to be trusted, never to be praised" list for all eternity.

Trumpism is trickle-down economics, just disguised with open white supremacism and misogyny.

Troll-Us and Credulous

The part i can never figure out is what the hell Jackson Publick and Doc Hammer do to make a living. They can't be getting paid that much by adult swim.

I always loved that the writer shared a name with fictional character who predated him.

"Countryside: The act of killing Piers Morgan" - Stephen Fry

When they Polk High, we Polk Low.

Is that a natural log, or are you just happy to see me?

"Corporations are people, my friend." Mitt "Definitely a Person, Not a Synthoid" Romney

so is Taco Bill, like, a guy named Bill who's really into tacos, a taco named bill, or a law requiring everyone to eat tacos?

Yes, it's certainly hard to make moral judgments when one side is behaving like the brownshirts i support of racist, pathological liar and narcissist and the other side likes watching a TV comedian who shares their views.