Joe Propinka

So they were conservatives?

The sad part is that there was a point int he past when Lobsters was sort of amusing, and acted like he/she was halfway in on the joke.

Get Equipped with 10 For You, 90 for Me

In fairness, they mostly like an imaginary version of the past where they would magically have become successful despite their visible-from-space inadequacy in the present.

We do see the library in issue #22, but the Shakespeare reference isn't among the other books in the library of unwritten works.

I call bullshit. That fact would not be fun to learn.

What if we put pills in his jellybeans?

In younger actors, we cal it Cageification, and in women it's known as Taylorism.

Better Fuck Ted

And then there're Earthbound carts on the collector's market, which is a whole 'nother level of insane.

There's a story here.

Also, perfectionism can cause late work. I mean, that's…it's a classic, well-verified motivation for procrastination on the one hand and overwork on the other!

You're really just thinking of Lincoln and Kennedy here.

At least we don't have to rely on state legislatures to elect them for us these days.

I'm not dying on any hill, or gutter. I'm slated to die in some kind of vacuum. i dunno.

Saul says he'll have to pay more because of the relative fame his ads have brought him.

Also, Hector's arguments that he built the cartel are a lot like Chuck's arguments that he built HHM.

I nominate The Slap Maxwell Story.

Don't forget Lovitz.

More generally, the popularity of "tough on crime" would end up somehow making guilty verdicts a plus.