Joe Propinka

They're really good at attacking occupying troops and terrorizing civilians, but very bad at holding territory and actually running things.

They resist plenty of things: vaccinations, sensible gun laws, logic and reason, accurate self-perception, empathy….

"Sheriff murdered, crops burned, stores looted, people stampeded, and cattle raped."

He's not getting 20% of the settlement. The lawyers are getting 33% in a common fund, and Jimmy gets 20% of that.

Psst….I think he's making fun of the "false flag conspiracy" talking point by pointing out that they won't make that claim about this one.

Or that the alt-reich scum probably weren't ever big fans of a show about a family named Goldberg.

The question is of client interests, and especially the interests of the class. There are three things to consider here:

I think it's worth going back and watching the Saul Goodman ads from his Breaking Bad appearances. And, for that matter, Jimmy's Matlock suit from season 1, especially when he pairs it with the ten-gallon hat to visit prospective clients in Texas.

The only person claiming that the class members are poorly represented is Jimmy, and Jimmy's not a disinterested party…and he's not their lawyer anymore.

It takes a lot of manipulation for Jimmy to get Irene frozen out — he even has to buy her expensive shoes and pretend she bought them herself to plant the seeds of envy — and every other time we've seen the Sandpiper Gang they've been super-chummy.

And ia larger settlement would arguably discourage Sandpiper and other nursing homes from doing this kind of thing again.

Right: the story is not about stupid feeble old people, it's about Jimmy coming to a bunch of people who are perfectly happy with the normal progress of their legal case, planting seeds of envy and distrust, and using social isolation as a weapon.

Howard's hardly in a mood to reason with Jimmy, and Jimmy doesn't dispute Howard's assessment that this is more about Jimmy's fast payout than about the clients. More generally, neither of them are providing disinterested advice to the clients; if Howard's motives are suspect, than so are Jimmy's, and for the same

He manipulated people into taking the first offer in a major lawsuit. The first offer is always a lowball, and always an amount that the company can afford to lose while still pulling its scam on other elderly people.

People seem to forget that without Chuck around, Jimmy is the guy who gets arrested for pooping through a sunroof and ends up jailed for a while and on the sex offender registry for life.

At least he always had that crippled Irishman to laugh about.

The missing piece here is why Nacho ever worked for Tuco or Hector at all, since he has a loving father he cares about and a family business to work in.

I fell like the show has made it Jimmy's fault, indirectly. She's a solo practitioner,. but her hills are higher because her next-door- neighbor and pseudo-partner got himself suspended. And she has a huge client she can barely handle partly because he "took it back" from the big law firm. And she's taking on more

Or about what happened in World War II?

When Stone defended Putin, he was JFK (Just Fucking Kidding).