Shocker Deported To Sweden, Says He's Not From There.
Shocker Deported To Sweden, Says He's Not From There.
Buffy is still head and shoulders above a lot of action-adventure/superhero TV simply because they figured out that the show's monsters were "really" best used as metaphors for the travails of growing up, so even the filler still worked as character development.
AoS lost a lot of people in Season 1 because cross-promotion meant they had to delay the big twist with lots of filler, and it looks pretty bad every time they do an episode where the budget limitations really show (like the chase through an oddly empty military base early in Season 2). That's enough to keep the…
The Hand work a lot better when they're the terrifying vague thing in the shadows that every once in a while sends out some frighteningly talented assassin type.
Sadly, it's a weakness of a lot of the source material, albeit that it's spreading to new characters in the shows. Somewhere along the line "bad childhood" became the go-to for creating the illusion of "deep" superhero and villain characters, and "bad childhood" for male characters almost always winds up with the…
We know the movie is using villains like the Vulture, the Tinkerer, and the Shocker, so I think the idea is that Spidey will fight gimmicked-up street crime; it's a good niche, a little "bigger" than the Netflix shows, and yet not Avengers-level.
I thought White Power Bill was Bannon's invoice for his campaign work.
Those aren't balls. that's just what his scalp looks like under that combover.
"Teacher give me a F for conduct today, but I tell Daddy it fake news!"
Chump Wower, 'cause only a chump could find him impressive.
Man, whatever happened to Emily Watson?
His popularity is undergoing a sustained downturn, with no climax in sight.
I upvoted it *because* it grossed me out.
Dickinson's reputation is greatly helped by the fact that a huge chunk of her work was published all at once, rather than across several decades. To most readers, there wasn't a big gap between reading "early" Dickinson and "later" Dickinson; they encountered a single collection of very short poems.
Live and Let Dump
They call me…they call me….PEACHES!
Apparently he has a screenplay about it, which he shared with that terrible British sitcom actor that one time.
I think the "cool" is more about the advocacy aimed at helping other people, but you just keep on being you, buddy.
I hear really good things about Joy-Ann Reid.
They only produced V; they didn't direct it.