This one's for Dale Hansen, human being extraordinaire.
This one's for Dale Hansen, human being extraordinaire.
So, for those of you who are eagerly awaiting my piece about sampling. Here it is.
Add all the poles you want, but that lightbulb still ain't getting screwed in.
I'm not trying to call you out as I've seen you comment on DS for awhile now. I really don't think you're racist (in fact I've seen you question someone's racist remark) and believe that you're joke is directed towards how the media has turned that word into what it now is.
Wow! I haven't heard the Gloria Record since I was in college. Kind of forgot about them.
Completely agree. Have you seen Scorsese's No Direction Home? Fucking great. Huge Robert Allen Zimmerman fan, glad you dig it. Great DUAN thread!
Great DUAN subject. Bob Dylan's It's All Over Now, Baby Blue and Ray Charles' Hard Times. D.A. Pennebaker's excellent documentary, Don't Look Back, features some of the best uncut footage of Bobby D. around:
I think the best part about music is that it can provide that moment of catharsis—or, conversely—melancholy. This song got me through my freshman year of college. I wasn't dealing with a breakup, per se, as much as I was dealing with being away from my best friend.
Regressing Into The Gray
Basically all of Lupe Fiasco's Food & Liquor got me through some tough times back in high school when my grandmother and uncle passed away within about three months of each other.
Lemonade's Diver was my go to for a particularly messy breakup last year. Very nice album, but unfortunately it's now hopelessly intertwined with some pretty negative feelings
The Whole Exile on Main Street Album. But this song especially.
Rough week with Philip Seymour Hoffman passing away. I happen to like the movie Magnolia (some people hate it, I know), but I thought he was amazing in it. Aimee Mann did the soundtrack and I find this song, in retrospect, a fitting tribute. Also, that guy in the canoe! (That's a canoe, right?)
Went through something similar. House M.D. was my drug of choice.
So it mostly re-energized me about education. I started reading a lot after this book. But to go a little deeper, I got caught shop-lifting the summer between 4th and 5th grade and as part of my punishment, my father assigned this book. I never got around to it that summer, but it nagged at me throughout the years…
Have a great weekend Deadspinners... heres a classic
I always liked this post-Beatles Ringo song.
Yeah, I just wanted something to remember me by. Silly person.
The entire history of pop music is decent bands that happened to be in the right place at the right time. As well as decent bands that happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.