He Who Must Not Be Named

Ah, yes, the old “The world will end within a year because peanut butter and 3/4-inch bolts” argument.

And yet, plenty of people would complain bitterly when A) the drugs are taking too long to get to market, if ever and B) the development costs are too high.

Not if it shoots its own antenna off.

I don’t know why Gizmodo cares. These places are all in red-state flyover country.

This makes me wonder if the “scientists” are really all full of crap and all the cool sci-fi tech really is possible but they won’t let us have it.

Let this be a lesson to everyone. Nature takes care of herself and doesn’t need your help. She’ll also kick your ass to remind you.

This sounds impressive until you realize that the thrust-to-weight ratio of model aircraft is so ridiculously high as to overcome lousy aerodynamics.

I once worked at Mattel, maker of Hot Wheels. A naive outsider might think that there are awesome, epic Hot Wheels track setups all over the place. They would be wrong.

And judicous marksmanship is appreciated.

May is Tourettes Awareness Month, Dammit.

Now playing

Meh. He’s French. Why do you think he has that outrageous accent?

To be fair, most operators of them don’t know a lot about them either.

Actually, this is likely a case of art imitating life. I can’t tell you how many times I see asshats pull a FULL CAR-LENGTH PAST the stop sign (and white line on the road) before they even consider stopping. Many will blow right through if there isn’t a cop around and you’re far enough away.

Also, R2's restraining bolt is missing. So does that mean that 3PO left the garage when R2 went walkabout?

Feh. Here’s the problem with all dystopian writing: The author conveniently skips over how it got to that point leaving the reader to apply their own biases to fill in the details. Reality is usually totally different than most people’s imagined backstory. It’s also why nobody can predict the next Hitler, Lenin,

“Who needs a Gatling gun? Who would spend $47k on one?”
Yeah, ok, who needs a Ferrari or a Mercedes or a Tesla with optional ludicrous speed? Furthermore, who needs more than one car let alone an expensive one? Nobody is browbeating anyone who wants a stupid-expensive car or several. Nobody is browbeating anybody who

Who cares? It still runs effing Windows. I’m convinced that the world economy would jump by double digits if Windows just went away. Seriously, the damn thing taunts you be appearing to be ready to use meanwhile, the OS is sucking up every available resource preening itself.

The concept of actors being embedded with ultra high-resolution motion-capture sensors as described in The Diamond Age can’t come soon enough.

It’s a refreshing departure from the endless supply of sitcoms where the husband is a complete neanderthal moron and the wife is a friggin’ genius. Sorry, but that’s not reality either.

As opposed to those becons of honesty: Russia and China.