He Who Must Not Be Named

And yet, plenty of people would complain bitterly when A) the drugs are taking too long to get to market, if ever and B) the development costs are too high.

Y’know what’s a really bad idea? Reading unintelligent, partisan garbage written by an ignorant, arrogant college kid. You should go work at a Wendy’s. But that’s Lifehacker, a web-shite.

This is all good advice but don’t forget, #1 thing to do is shoot back...

And I still have my friggin’ eyes closed in. Every. Single. One.

Someone is still going to take a video in portrait mode...

It’s not uncommon for doors to be inoperable after an impact. This goes for all kinds of doors - even normal manual ones.

I am quite familiar with science; I have two advanced degrees in the “hard” sciences

My wife is tired on the Uranus jokes too. One day exasperated by another Uranus joke she declared that they should just change the name.

Protip: Pick your specific songs out beforehand. Hitting “skip” wastes precious seconds.

it took my nephew a few months to understand that when I say “shake” after going to the toilet, I don’t mean shake your head....

I just wish that if they wanted LeFou to be gay they could have just let him be gay without turning it into a marketing gimmick.

“Hey! Over here! Look at this openly gay character we’ve put into our movie! Check out how progressive we are! Ooh! And we’re going to remake Mulan using actual Asian actors in all the main

The thing about comments like this is they assume that paying more in tax means you will get an abundance of ‘services’ and that they will be high quality.

I don’t get it. What does this have to do with Trump?

Where they also required to turn over documents concerning the connection between fossil fuels and freezing to death?

And they found out it doesn’t apply to the current situation in the US. Maybe the public education system could have taught that.

Gizmodo. The election is over. Please quit making political post. I’m ready to just get back to tech news. I don’t care or appreciate your one sided political view every time I get on this site. I came to Gizmodo for tech news and tech news on. Thanks

Outing people when they clearly didn’t want it public isn’t really a “hollow” justification. Would you like it if I took your personal and private matters and made it public? Gawker deserved everything it got. Gossip is the lowest form of news. Present actual news for once and not shit.