He Who Must Not Be Named

Or perhaps this is the next stage in evolution. Sound crazy? Well, if you’re not a millenial male, ask yourself if young women look the same today as they did when we were that age. Point being that evolution might not take thousands of years.
And here’s another way to look at this as an evolutionary stage: Perhaps

I’ll save everyone the trouble of drawing a conclusion. 99 of them are a$$holes.

Sure, it’s relatively cheap to buy but you’d still need to win the lottery to feed and store it.

Never mind the left-hand turn. People need to actually stop at the stop line before making a right-hand turn. Every damn day I see people pull a full car-length PAST the line before even considering whether or not they will stop knowing full well that if cross traffic is far enough away they will blow right through

So, basically, when you look toward the center of the Milky Way, all the stars on the opposite side of the galaxy that you observe are really somewhere else.

This isn’t news. People have been duped into thinking Grey Goose is good vodka. In blind taste tests, it ranks last.

It’s a deleted scene from Koyaanisartsyfartsy.

Silly radical. Should have used one of these:

I’d like to know if this works on non-flat surfaces like grass or a forest floor.

What needs to happen is a ban on charging customers for checked bags. Because airlines are gouging for a checked bag (there’s lots of evidence that this is due to airlines caving to union demands), getting through security takes longer and boarding the airplane takes longer because everybody and their mother is

Ugh. This literary device is so simpleton that it becomes a boring cliché. No one man can do all manner of evil without an extensive bureacracy who believes in the leader’s ideology so blindly that they will implement it without question.

I’m waiting for the matter/anti-matter collsion that is second-hand pot smoke.

Aw, boo hoo, no more government subsidies for Elon.

You do realize that Trump is a master at trolling the media, right? This is obviously the equivalent of a laser pointer to cats.

He also was hired to fake the moon landings but being the perfectionist that he is he insisted that they be filmed on location.

$650 is bullsquat these days.

Well, you know, publish or perish.

Well, maybe, but buying Adobe, Autodesk, and Dassault-Systeme would give them the kick in the ass to ressurect their pro-level product line.

Oh, please make this thing say the word “Coffee”.
Only extremely cool people will get this reference.