A disturbing report yesterday said that writers at Gawker have been asked by managers to “ensure every other story has an anti-Trump angle,” presumably for political reasons.
A disturbing report yesterday said that writers at Gawker have been asked by managers to “ensure every other story has an anti-Trump angle,” presumably for political reasons.
Using a roundabout and pretty much every other traffic management system is quite simple if you remember a few simple facts: No, you are not that important. Yes, the rules do apply to you. No, everyone does not have to get out of your way. Yes, as a matter of fact, everyone else on the road is just as busy as you are.
FUD in the form of click bait.
Freaking out about this is like taking a doofus like Samantha Bee seriously.
Furthermore, most people have no idea how a Constitutional Convention works much less the Constitution itself.
Pampered Chef. What a ripoff. Just go to a restaurant supply house and buy all that stuff for a lot less money.
Back in the early 90s, pre-Google et al, I went to the sales pitch for one of these ludicrous warehouse club things. Their showroom had a lot of fancy stuff in it. Boats. Hot tubs. They said that you had a…
As hilarious as this thread is, I can tell you that your kids are going to be saying the same things to you when you get old and decrepit and they aren’t going to sanitize the language either.
That said, I’m grateful every day that my folks are still with me and have all their marbles.
Remind me again why living in an overpopulated urban area is better than living in the country.
Fun fact: If you notice that clicking seems faster than normal, you probably have a burned out bulb on the side of the car that the turn signal is set to. At least that’s how the mechanical ones usually work.
“Four out of five dentists surveyed recommend Trident.”
The fifth one is smarter than the other four because he figured out that he can make more money on the cavity-filling procedures than the other four.
Makes you wonder why they don’t make hexagonal battery cells for more efficient packing.
Proper side, my ass. I regularly see asshats pull up to the gas pump on the wrong side and drag the friggin’ hose over their roof to the filler. One douche-canoe even broke the retracting string trying to stretch it. Jeez, people!
It’s a likely assumption that these are the same people who pull a full car-length PAST…
IMHO, the correct answer to any trivia questions is, “Well, I’m not trying out to be on Jeopardy! so I’ll have to google the answer for you.”
IMHO, the correct answer to any question that requires you to have memorized the answer shouldn’t be asked of any engineer because looking up the correct answer is less prone to…
Leave your Harley at home, please. Nothing worse than an unmuffled motorcycle in a place you go to enjoy the sounds of nature.
John Wayne is Class C airspace and all flight ops are under the direction of the tower. If he disregarded their instructions, that’s one thing. But if the taxiing jet or the tower crew screwed up, that’s another matter entirely.
If you like bowl skiing, it’s not for you. Snowbird is better for that.
Sweet. I’ll have to go back. And Park City does have some great restaurants.
I wonder if Park City takes into account all of the resorts there. The Canyons is ginormous.
Here’s what I find entertaining: The left in the U.S. loves socialism and not in the way that some people “love” certain types of oddball food but in the “I’m totally obsessed and will never ever be happy until it happens for realsies” kind of self-destructive love. Putin is a product of the USSR. That second S is for…
James Cameron spoke of having ‘eff you money’ after the success of Titanic. I find the concept quite appealing. I recently saw a TV news magazine piece about a woman who got really rich and decided to buy a farm and raise turkeys. She said, “I used to be weird until I got rich. Now I’m eccentric.” I want to be…
No point in locking it up because the locks are often on the side of the bag opposite the wheels so it gets put on the conveyor belts that way and the mechanisms eventually rip it off.