He Who Must Not Be Named

goddamneffingsonofabitchpieceofcrap robo-dialer.
What I find irritating is that they call several times a day from DIFFERENT numbers so I keep having to add new ones to my block list. The last one was a live person who called asking to speak to one of my relatives. Three times. Different numbers.

I for one and grateful for the no smoking on any flight rule. I was once on a plane in the last row of the non-smoking section and right behind me was some guy who insisted on smoking the entire flight. Gross.

I just wish people wouldn't misinterpret terminology to further their point. (In the common tongue 'pissing on someone's shoe and telling them it's raining) E.g. Some people love to say that Clinton ended his second term with a budget surplus as though that's the same thing as not having a national debt. Or another

Will this work on the other end of the alimentary canal for the following morning? I've heard that some people eat ice cream so the next morning they can say "COME ON, ICE CREAM!"

I'll tell you about a fatal mistake.

Here's a question I ask anyone who lost a lot of weight: Were they always overweight from early childhood or did they gain a lot of weight over a few years in say their late 20s early 30s? I'm convinced that the people who fall into the latter group have a much easier time of it because they are genetically

IMHO, this is more about hyperbole than anything else. I'll bet most people are thinking "Yeah, that's not what we meant when we made that prediction."

What's truly sad is the fact that some new wall ovens come with a dedicated button for chicken nuggets. That same oven also has a dedicated button for pizza. Given that major appliances last for a very long time and are expensive to replace, it makes you wonder who decided that a nuggets button was stylistically a

Sustainability for whom? Are we talking about subsidizing the obsolete simply to "sustain" people's jobs or ancillary businesses? As a matter of interest, I had dinner recently with a former VP of General Motors. Back in the early 70s, they sent him to Australia to assess threat potential from Toyota that had

These guys need to watch the original Connections series by James Burke. The last episode in particular explains how there is basically no such thing as a "golden age". It also strips away all the feel-good theory and promises of communism, socialism, and fascism (in the economic sense) and shows that those

Saw this in 70 mm when it came out. Really the only way to see it.

As someone who once worked for Mattel and witnessed the cutthroat behavior of the people who worked there, this is friggin' hilarious!

As a matter of interest, my mother grew up in that era and can't believe how much of the same crap is going on in the U.S. right now. When it starts, it's all about whose ox is getting gored. Those who think they are reaping the benefits think everything is fine as long as their neighbor doesn't have more than they

I once had an English teacher give a creative writing assignment and when I told him I had written a science-fiction short story he said, and I quote "I hate science fiction." Thanks a lot douchebag. Way to encourage a kid to write, think, and be creative. And people wonder why some of us want to be able to fire

He must have read The Cuckoo's Egg (an excellent read, btw)

This one has night sights:

Try this on for size.

One word: smegma For the same reason Crystal Skull was a big steaming pile of fail. IMHO, the reason the other movies were way better (with one or two minor scene exceptions in Last Crusade and the altar scene in Raiders), two words: practical effects. That and on-location filming. Come on, Steven, you can afford

I didn't know Alyson Hannigan was such an origami/math geek.