He Who Must Not Be Named

The really scary thing is being in the area when the storm unleashes a downdraft windstorm.

Has anyone else noticed that even in the Jetsons future, they still use cash?

Interesting premise but IMHO, it's too Don Bluth for Harry Potter.

Akiyuki! Time for bed!

Obligatory Big Bang Theory reference: This doesn't explain the submarine controversy.


Yes, "don't be a dick" should be a given. The problem with kowtowing to every special interest group is that it it rarely stops at just "don't be a dick". Eventually, some special interest group is going to want something that affects the main stream because supposedly they are the downtrodden, oppressed,

Anyone and everyone who wants to blame their own misfortune, incompetence, and stupidity on someone or something else. (What do we want?! Tort reform! When do we want it?! NOW!)

IIRC, I saw a news clip of this back when the first film came out. IMHO, they could make it a bit more interesting if they used stunt bikes, a skateboard park, and a quadcopter dangling a little gold ball. Of course, that would throw napalm on the fires of nerdiness.

I'd like to know how it accounts for variations in barometric pressure.

"And for the record, the appropriate ranking of cool modes of transportation is jet pack, hoverboard, transporter, Batmobile, and then giant ant."

Sure, D&D seems the obvious choice but I'm going to offer up the folks who try to make Quidditch in real life by running around with a broom between their legs.

How sad is it that we haven't been back to the moon in 40 years.

So, what I'm taking away from this is to blow off the low-carb dieting. AWESOME!

Does it fix the black screen after reboot problem?

My beef with IE is when certain sites are built to only work on IE, particularly government ones you have to use if you want to get paid or get export documents. Microsoft didn't build the site. Therefore, IMHO, the person who did is a crappy programmer because the web isn't browser centric. It

Those of us who worked on Phantom Menace are required by contract with Rick McCallum to like it or we don't get screen credit....... (ooops).

Thanks a f*cking lot, Stefánsson, for killing off any remaining hope of scoring with some younger ladies, you douchebag. I have two things to say:

Every time Bloomberg or California ban some form of yummy deliciousness e.g. salt, I recall in every glorious detail Dennis Leary's hilarious rant:

"There are questions. There are a kaleidoscope of questions..."