
Gonna get the mailroom guy to record 12,000 lines? Because it wasn’t just those 8 lines, they surely started with every single line recorded by text to speech and then replaced by the final audio as it was recorded.

It’s weird that the Ps5 is able to sell that much hardware but the software sales always pale in comparison with the Switch.

Game developer here. This is no big deal at all, we use TTS as placeholder all the time. Having even bad TTS voice placeholder helps development of a game so much you wouldn’t believe it (and TTS placeholder is now getting really good). Well developed tool pipelines have ways of flagging this stuff so it doesn’t get

Text to Speech placeholder has been a thing in game narratives for 20 years. We’re talking Microsoft Sam. We had a thing in one game I worked on that if there was no speech audio file associated with a dialogue event line, Microsoft Sam would read line instead. Very embarrassing that Ubisoft shipped with this.

But getting the entire cast of adventuring trainers together at the eleventh hour underlined just how special those characters were, while reminding us that they’d unfortunately only shared minimal screentime. Pokémon X and Y tried to maintain a consistent cast dynamic throughout gameplay, but it feels like Game

If its the anniversary edition, how long are your good night rests!? Up until final evo  you have to actively try to kill your digimon, even final evo they don’t start decaying for a good 4 or 5 days.

Quickball is the only ball you need. Basically 100% catch rate if you throw it immediately. If it doesn’t work, just reload the save and try again and it likely will lol. I pretty much only carry those around and maybe some ultra balls at end game to be safe.

I think it’s very unreasonable to blame all of a game’s problems on a single developer and act like once they’re gone everything will magically get better

The thing about the balls is mostly for additional customization options, more than utility. Back in gen 3 they started showing the Pokeball you caught a pokemon in on their summary page, in gen 6 they made it so bred Pokemon inherit the same pokeball as the parent, and in gen 7 they brought back apricorn pokeballs in

oh i don’t disagree and i honestly think both have their merits (i will not defend the obvious issues with sv), its more i was seeing Some of the same critisims that SV gets (graphical texture stuff, low framerate for stuff far away, world considered empty) and just suprised people now hold it in high regard when

Every Pokemon game that’s come out in the past decade has had backlash from a small number of very loud fans who can’t understand that it’s okay to move on if you aren’t enjoying a series anymore. That doesn’t mean the playerbase as a whole hates them. Arceus wasn’t perfect by any means but did a lot of interesting

My 7 year olds first pokemon game is Arceus.  We got it for him for chirstmas.  I really like that you have to aim and throw the balls.  The combat works as it should.  His complaint lies entirely with dialog taking forever and being too often.  He’s becoming my wife, wanting to skip all dialog and get to the game.  

The truth is clearly somewhere in the middle so I certainly wouldn’t go all the way with what Jerykk is saying, but come on, it’s not like his post said Corps are our friends lol

While some cheered, excited for future Call of Duty and Diablo games to be added to Game Pass, the reality is this deal is likely to lead to more layoffs and other problems in the future. As fewer and fewer companies own everything, the lack of competition leads to rising prices and more powerful corporations that

Prices can go down? I thought we lived in the year 2023 where that was impossible!

Sony, do likewise.

Your head is really going to spin when you read about BogoMips:

Scarlet and Violet’s second DLC is adding Blueberry Quests, which allow you to capture a plethora of Legendary Pokémon by luring them out with treats. As hilarious and improbable as it is to imagine putting out a bunch of TetraFin flakes in hopes that Kyogre, the Pokémon god of the sea, will stumble upon a little

The 10 year old still trapped in my brain would like to argue that I am a Pokemon Master with all the badges and therefore it makes *perfect* sense for the flaming, house-sized bird that shoots fire from its beak to get in the ring with an Onix if I feel like it.

Is that what this is? I’m confused by it. I could be misunderstanding but I was under the impression the whole thing could be an actual scam — relying on the fact that games journalism is basically spoonfed, a cobbled together game of cheap assets and inordinate hype designed to trick people out of as much cash as