
That’s kind of the whole issue. If MS doesn’t have a monopoly and the acquisition won’t give them one, then regulators don’t care. That’s why they approved the deal. There’s simply no legal case to be made against the merger. “Big mergers are bad mmkay” isn’t a legal case but apparently the FTC wants it to be.

You are wildly out of step with the modern world.

Reuters’ story on the situation says the FTC lawyer Imad Abyad argued in front of a three-judge appeals court panel in California on Wednesday, December 6, that original attempts to block the deal were held to “too high a standard” by requiring the government agency to prove the deal was anti-competitive.

Frankly, I think Sony fans are happy to have Redfall stay on Xbox.

More than a decade ago, Warner Bros. settled a lawsuit with the tattoo artist who designed (and copyrighted!) Mike Tyson’s face tattoo which the movie studio had replicated exactly for a joke in The Hangover 2.

Nobody should being booked for weed unless DUI.

The merger will help excise the cancer of Bobby Kotick from the industry. 

People joke, but Riot is literally the greatest music/animation production house who also chooses to make games.

Unfortunately, people largely just want to be angry and feel superior.

For those who don’t know, Overwatch has been the subject of a lot of longstanding criticism regarding cultural appropriation regarding its decision to put characters in clothing and accessories from cultures that aren’t their own.

If that were the case (creating a multi-cultural and diverse game), why aren’t skins transferable to any and every character? THAT would cover all the bases ... but since they don’t do that, and they have consistently given the Asian skins to the white lady character ... people are griping.

Lol my favorite character is Mr. Popo

This is such a terminally online take. The notion of bottling up each individual culture such that everyone stays in their respective lanes and culture can only be expressed or shared if someone has the exact same skin tone and nation-state lineage as you is so fucking backwards.

If people have issues with the

I posted this elsewhere, but as a Chinese American I’m glad Mercy can wear this. I used to play Overwatch and mained Phara, Roadhog & Symmetra. I didn’t like Mei’s toolkit so I didn’t play her. But as Chinese I loved having Chinese skins available to my other characters so I could see myself represented in how I

Have any of these people stopped to consider that maybe it’s not the character but the player that is wearing it? I don’t play Overwatch anymore but as a Chinese American I liked having all my characters (Pharah, Roadhog & Symmetra) wearing Chinese garb because I am in fact Chinese.  Should I only have to play Mei

Calling this “cultural appropriation” seems like a massive stretch to me, and I’m liberal as all hell. You might as well say any white person cosplaying a character from Naruto, Demon Slayer, and Jujutsu Kaisen is guilty of cultural appropriation. Doesn’t that sound utterly stupid?

I don't know the writer of this article but Kenneth Shepard doesn't seem like a terribly Asian name to me. Are any Asian people actually upset? If they are let's talk about that but lets cut it out with the offended on others behalf bullshit.

Articles like this scream for a dislike button.

I find it fascinating that progressive people in favour of representing other people’s cultures find it offensive when the “wrong” character attempts to showcase said culture.