
You play as Link.

The first episode is all setup for what comes next.

Worth noting that Outrun 2006 came out for PC too and it just works on Windows 10 without needing any special patches.

It’s planned to be f2p, it only costs money now during the Early Access period.

Playing Duke3D co-op is a fantastic experience while high.

Fortnite does, but I’m pretty sure they become violent NPCs after you start shooting them.

You still can, you just need to use dev mode.

I am cautiously optimistic about this.  It looks pretty damn cool.

If you want to make that argument then you maybe don’t know that isn’t a true statement. And you also don’t know that FFXIII isn’t the last game that Square-Enix released on XBox.

Shameful, honestly.  60 FPS should be the minimum acceptable framerate these days.

The Horizon Zero Dawn PC port was also very bad at launch.

But it hasn’t lost its meaning...

But the first example in your screenshot shows it being used in the same way.

If you think that what I’m saying has no meaning then I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe I can elaborate. Diablo 4 to me felt like it had many instances of taking control away from the player or otherwise forcing the player to perform actions that broke the flow and did not add anything of value. I refer to this as

Is that what this was supposed to be? It seriously felt like padding to me.

CoD makes way more money than Madden. Also King makes billions per year. Also there’s the still surprisingly popular World of Warcraft which continues to make money year after year. EA and Ubisoft do not have anything close to what Activision has.

I think this is the first time they’ve shown FF16 gameplay that isn’t a battle, so that’s something.

A budget video card these days is around $400. A new PS5 is $400. You cannot build a pretty nice computer for “not much more than a console”.

“this country” - Kotaku

You should try DQ 8 and 11.