
Not much to see here, somehow I dont think its going to be inexpensive

Neutral, no. hey have gotten too big, too expensive. They are the modern status symbol that Caddy and Lincoln used to be.

Isnt there another company that also does classic Jag conversions, but their conversions are completely reversible.

I love the car but is just too much money

N thanks. All these modern dashes, while I understand may be cheaper then analog, but take too long to digest the information, and really can they last 10,15, 20 years? How much of that availalbe information is “needed” to operate a car/truck? It mostly orgasm material for design engineers.

Im waiting for them to say he has a drinking problem and or mental illness to cover it

Except its nt just the touchscreen going out, its in the computer behind the touch screen that runs everything. Also voice commands not everyone uses them, will have them set up, and arent perfect.

1st gear. On a Tesla the touch screen operates EVERYTHING, so a faulty touchscreen on a Tesla is a big deal.

Yes lets see the documents. Could this ve why hes been doing Trumps bidding?

A republican closet case who is also keeping an underage child? Why good Sir I never, at least in the last 3 minutes

Back in the 50's and 60's the term was “ward”. This used to be done to hide a “questonable” relationship in the day. Just makes one think

Actually in his past rulings when on the state bench he was very supportive of Native rights. This doesnt surprise me.

Im so happy I’m crying. Havent been this happy since we were allowed to marry.

GUYZ stop with this second wave BS, we arent done with the first wave according to all the experts. And really common sense says otherwise too.

Not surprsing the ad is gone as it already sold. I was going to be all over this

So the battery lasts 15 minutes?

My Grandmother had one in Florida. She loved it, but the rust killed it faster then the engine.

Covid-19 nly dangerous to the old conservative talking heads say ....

Its like buying a car with 650 HP fpr street use, just why, you’ll never use it. It takes more then that to move a tree or a bridge your about to hit :)

Even Tesla says its not full on auto pilot. They need to rethink the name