
Its called “A Drivers Aid” not Chauffeur 

Autopilot is NOT an excuse not to pay attention to the road. Clear road good weather good line of sight driver fault. No excuse.

Seems like a driver failure to me.

I was all over this until the slushbox

Actually thats a deal. Way cheaper then a limo or mst airport car services. around here.

You came for my comma, you came for spaces, you can NOT have my periods.

Some people arent happy unless they are whining

Too lazy to pickup your empty beer cans, and crap beer at that?

I hate to be “That guy” but unless the shifters in the 1st and 3rd car for decoration or some weird parking brake, they are in PARK position. They must be towed on a rig.

Are we getting an unboxing video?

I tried to deleat my previous comment, It wont let me. Morning coffee has kicked in now I see t is original?

Is it me or does that not look very honda-y?

If your running car play/Android Auto you want it infront of a vent. They use wifi and cause the phones to get hot.

Back when cars were interesting.

I suspect hes far more short on cash then he admits.

With record levels of unemployment, are there really people clamoring to buy new cars? I dont see gun toting white males clamoring to buy overpriced pickup trucks at dealers.

Will always be the last kid in line at school

I agree he cant be 5 years old, maybe a 5th grader?