

I think the fault waa the tow point and idiot driving not the truck. Loads a lot higher when something is stuck as upposed to a trailer. He also should have used a stretch type tow strap

East Rockaway not easy Rockaway

My next car wi) be 60s or 70s build. Not even the clock will be digital

Good luck parking it

Neither is my subaru outback but i dont track it


Watch Upgrade on Netflix it comes close to where Elon is going

Karens drives teslas

Im shocked how much money hoovie and his kind make off the internet 

A total driving ban would have been better 

Nys wants this in all  new cars 

All the times ive driven in DC traffic has been to heavy to speed


Is this a public street they built a fence across?

This video has been all over the nnet.i ddidn’t now the full story till now.

Lane keep technology is rubbish it feels like a strong cross wind where there is none

So one plus

Lay off the edibles