
You have my attention

I suspect very little sheet metal and lots of fiberglass.

I see nothing “modernized”

How hard can it be? Its not like its health care 

Does it cause brain damage?

The discolored aluminum gives it away as a flood car. Its not dull or corroded with age, but yellowed. That comes from flood.

Salvage title, so not from an accident, that leaves flood?

Arent they both the same?

Someplace where you will remember?

Use it as it was intended, and convert the other building to bedroom/kitchen b athroom. A car guys dream

I did not know this. I feel abandoned and alone like no one cares, but I push on cry to my dog and push on being my Moms care giver.

Theres a bunch of white guys in the south that feel the same way.

The church frowns on non-Mormons mixing with Mormons.

No drinking, no caffine, no smoking, no cursing, chruch elders watching everything you do, no divorce, Married women working is frowned upon, the church programming your entire life, gee this should be fun.

So its a grower not a show-er

Presidential pardon in 3 ..... 2.......

Tell me again how Uber is better then a yellow cab?

I don’t like it. Maybe if I see it in the flesh.

Its that time of year again? This story has been around for 15 years at least.