
For an extra 20K they will add the rattles and squeaks your used to from other small cars.

Foggy windsheild? Either she was vaping or she shouldnt have been driving to begin with if it was that foggy. Cataracts?

So you have the option of leaving it in one gear all day, or [paying stupid money for something you dont need but can increase the efficiency of killing people at cars and coffee.

That last on they had to work to get the car like that. They are all idiots who shouldnt drive.

His daughter signs a form gving permission to share the info. I wonder what threat hes holding over her.

I have no words .....

Ive seen the gear ratios and the testing and the facotry specs. A three spedd tallest ratio is 1:1. In most transmissions third gear is close to that the rest are over drives. In ten speed specs 9th and 10th gears are so tall they only are used at speeds above 80 mph. Before 80 it is some combination of internal gears

Its like 10 speed automatics, those upper gears are only used at super illegal speeds in the USA, so I doubt youll be using 7th or maybe even 6th

Let me guess, turn signals dont work and stopping not important

I use an independent mechanic. Hes 3 blocks away, and my father used his father. There already are things he wont work on, shockingly any complicated AC system (more complicated then dual zone). All the dealers are at least several miles away, he is 3 blocks away. As things look I will be keeping my 05 outback and 91

Now to convince them that Brown is environmentally safe, Long roofs are fun and practical, and manuals make mother nature smile.

LYFT and UBER just found their new drivers

Are they using turn signals or are they just typical BMW drivers?

Only for 500,000 dollars? Thats cheap

Hence, I have never heard of them before.

They didnt air down the tires

*admission, damn phone spell check

A Checker Cab

Could it possibly have to do with the cost of emission, food, the crowds, better Tv coverage, high def TV screens at home, cheap beer and food at home?