
Odd he used the ship analogy.

Nice price only IF it is real. A lot f these arent.


Remember when everything was measured in VW Beetles

Squirrels. Its always squirrels.

sspeed limits in russia have no meaning. Also in a lot of Russian cities it is illegal to make a left turn, but it doesnt stop them. Pesky laws.

I read up on driving in Russia as they dont seem to be fond of the big pedal or defensive driving. They dont wear seatbelts because they feel they all have to die sometime.

Yes, who doesnt seem to let pesky things like the law and facts get in his way.

Legally you are correct.

So the Vistion ex-President is qualified for the top office in the land.

For Gay Pride Month Jason comes out of the closet.

Its not like a pregnant spider was in the car. Snakes are easy. 

I completly agree.Aside from pointing in the wrong direction he did well.

will it fit down a spark plug hole? I’m actually in the market for one.

will it fit down a spark plug hole? I’m actually in the market for one.

Maybe Jeff Sessions had her deported?

We all have problems over 40 mph unless we have something to compare it to. Welcome to Florida where human life isnt valued.

Even the original article said she was crossing legally.

At that speed she had no time to react. She may not even have known what happened.