
Only Political Dissidents can change windows in skyscrapers ...

Rules and regulations are only as good as the enforcement of them.

Because Russia .....

Boris may not get that raise he asked for

Mine has 205,000 miles on it. Struts werent done long ago. I am about to fix the tailgate “cord” as subaru calls it, then its good to go.

That will teach MB for dumping cheap cars on the market below cost. Now where is my cheap MB

Thats how I did the math. Its even cheaper to put a rebuilt driveline in some cars then get a new one

Boats in one piece, truck is in one piece, I am disappointed.

Soon longer then a student loan

Which is why I will drive my 2005 Outback till the doors fall off. Just wait for the tariffs to kick in.

Can I fill it with 10mm and 1/2 inch sockets so I can always find them?

Can I fill it with 10mm and 1/2 inch sockets so I can always find them?

So a Pinto or Vega wagon are shooting breaks?

What qualifies as a “shooting break” anyways? To me its just an excuse to charge more for an over priced station wagon with a fancy name.

Stand at the side of a highway and see how fast 60 mph really is to someone standing still, no time to react how you cut it.

Ive learned over the years to always go back to the original article.

How dare she want to cross the street in a 40mph zone with two cars racing towards her. “The race ended with the death of a 24-year-old mother struck while pushing her stroller across the boulevard, according to Tampa police.” 

So eh it is!

Battery charging : fast enough for me to pee, atop at starbucks at the rest area and fill up, so about 20 minutes.

Which evil empire do I root for?

So no one is taking paws to wonder what food, maybe Bear Claws, were in the car?