
Finally someplace to keep er um, er, candy, thats it candy!

Especially since he hates sharks.


It has to be somewhat scripted, for saftey and timing and research. They did an unscripted show to show how silly a complaint it is.

FINALLY A Flying CAR I can believe in.

Its Florida, they are pissed and on meth.

Maybe the Russian Spy hit got him thinking?

It wont let me upload a file

Isn’t it rich?
Isn’t it queer?
Losing my timing this late in my career
And where are the clones?
Quick, send in the clones

50K trucks are not disposable, 90K trucks you keep for ever. Not everyone wants one, can afford one, or has a place to park it.

Is tailgate theft still a thing

I can have more donuts!

The net worth of my 1991 CRX and 2005 Outback just went up!

Florida? Really?

So Wreck It Ralph meets Tron

So it’s affordable?

I think the word your looking for is “alleged criminals”

Meh it sounds like my neighbor has his stereo turned up to loud.

a 1963 AMC Rambler American wagon. it was a basic car but it took us everywhere. It died when it got T boned in the 70's but it was a boringly glorious machine

Was it that he kept wanting to make a profit?