
He doesnt want to damage that fantastic manicure he’s got.

I see The Stig’s sister walked the runway

Does it come in yellow?

Lawyers will do anything for a buck.


Was that a shift at 160mph?

Shall we mention hot dog carts?

Doesnt look Long Island Expressway ready, or is it?

So old now is 25?

1973 2dr dodge dart sedan 225 slant 6

I had one as a DD in the 1990's. It was a sweet car, tiny fuel tank which sucked down gas as it had a powerglide. Plenty of heat. The only suggestion I can make is de-bur the heads (cooling fins) as the factory skipped that and it really does affect cooling.

No sympathy for being gay, transgendered, a single mother, sick, but plenty for a wife beater.

No. No He’s not welcome.

No he cant as he is automatically the head of the party.

How does one “accidentally” set fire to a car?

Oh good he got the check from Exxon.


Alas no splat.

Who the hell leaves food out on a stove?