
So in winter when it snows all these self driving cars will be useless.

Stored improperly, plus bet it was a “No Smoking” work place

No just a standard shithead by your measurements. God I would never call anyone who gets suckered by these things an idiot.

So his story went up in flames?

Wait this was a real show? I thought it was some joke.

Ive gotten three viruses thanks to fake “Adobe updates”. Thankfully I update often. I refuse to look at anything using flash.

As soon as these shallow self centered women start the bible shit I just tune out. I never even got as far the fat shaming.

And yet NOTHING has been said about this

Im goos with a freeze in EPA MPG from this White House, at least its not a rollback.

Unions wouldnt be needed if everyone was treated fairly but they arent. And yes the MTA unions are still using 1950's work rules cause they can. Its angering

As an ex MTA employee I can tell you OT is run by the Union, the only way to kill it off is to take away the unions ability to dole it out. It is all based on seniority

Did Doug D. buy it?

I lost so many neighbors in 9/11. I still cant watch videos of it.

Well its a dry heat, so a dry ocean, so why not paddle.

I can hear it now :And this is why we never ever let Trump answer a phone” - Bannon

That does mean a lot to me.

But my stove doesnt have knobs

Hey is Springfield can have a monorail why not.

Maybe it was a sticky note signed by Donald Trump?

Give GOP some time they will stop that.