
Dont swipe your metro card until your sure the train is coming. More then once this has saved me a wasted fare. Also get as close as possible to your destination by foot if possible. It helps to know where (if service) is stopped what the cutoff station is they usually use and get to that one. On the 1 Ive gotten in


You are right they are wong. Mid-engine is any engine between the axles, not ahead or behind them

How the truck wasnt black.

When we were worried about him at the Comey hearings ...

Sadly its not something you get well from

Keep in mind in a split second any one of us can become disabled. If people keeps looking at this as us vs. them you sadly mistaken

And yet we all freaked when John McCain asked those questions of Comey that seemed odd, we let this man continue without a physical.

Trump just wants easy wins he can attach his name to, he doesnt want to actually do any work. Look at how much hes been working on NAFTA, Paris Accord, Health Care, MidEast, always letting others do it. He just wants the credit.


Air conditioner pee

Have they heard of Vodka?

Do they make rainbows when spun?

I think its a matter of people not trusting GM to be able to service them. And seriously they dont look cool.

Thats pee.

See we are fair, we treat everyone like shit-Lawyers

Is he taking story lines from Alex Jones? Maybe just maybe they realise they cant outdo what is reality now

Every goody-goody two shoes on these shows are there to start trouble.

Almost all subway fires can be traced back to litter. There should be no food on the subway ever.

Here hold my beer? wait a minute thats how we got here :)