
Omg they all have pancreatic cancer?

April 29th: And here he is, sitting on a couch while watching the second round of the playoffs, yet somehow reaching into the kitchen fridge for a cold mineral water.

I disagree that his use of the term was misguided. If we’re working from this definition of concentration camp:

This is the worst take. And I’m pretty sure those first few were Eastern European fascists in the 1930's.

This list couldn’t be more wrong.

shareef wont like it, but there’s little to no chance that he’ll score over 9000 points over his single season as a wildcat.

“Some of my best friends have children.”

Man does good thing. Blog that agrees with his conclusions mocks him anyways.

Why is Marilyn Manson in the top pic? Anyone?

I guess I don’t understand the witch hunt, which kind of takes Zeke’s agency away. Zeke says he’s happy with it. Can’t we be happy for him?

Remember, he was a returnee castmember: I think the fact that CBS chose to not use it as a dramatic tool in his previous appearance (can you imagine another reality show doing that?) suggests that they were pretty much as Zeke has outlined. 

Trying to deny your kid a thing is the best way to guarantee that they want nothing but that thing.

Derek Jeter is happy he retired before this existed

Just a couple of fun guys.

I’d imagine it will be green and have bleachers on top of it.

Vegetarians, you deserve what you get. Godspeed.

Poor guy had to spend almost an hour chatting it up with Bill Simmons.

“These people have awful names.”

Kitchen hacks is right. ATK and it’s IPs have been bleak since CPK left. Sad!

The bread is wobbly as fuck. I’m not getting into shapes right now (adding that line to my twitter profile as we speak) but there is so little balance in that loaf. Look at it! There’s like no part of that I want involvement with. You are a