
who puts syrup in the fridge? it takes forever to pour when its cold. 

Clovis, another mom in the Offspring Facebook group, says that in her home, kid food is “special occasion food,” like when other kids come over. I like that.

it’s panettone*

with regard to #2. It’s a crime that in 2018 every brewery doesn’t put a born on date. “Best by” is obviously subjective and only half helpful while nothing at all is even worse.

claire, this is how the directions on the side of the box say to eat them

One time like 5 years ago my wife and I and some others were dining at a Texas Road House during our (shared) birthday month. (this was not our “birthday dinner”) Anyway, those with us thought it would be fun to tell the server it was my wife’s birthday.

love this idea, will do, thanks! Was already planning on getting my thanksgiving stock done this weekend (for the gravy, stuffing, and mushroom cream sauce for the green bean casserole.)

I’m not sure why you’re so confused.

Only two questions i care to see shake out.

how do they extrapolate the nubs and fins on the skin from bones?

wait until you hear about what they do over at taco bell

I too love the sambuca black

Espresso with a glug of Sambuca as the sweetener is great. Si chiama, Caffe Corretto.

you’re welcome


kate, noooooooooooo

why are your tables so short

I’ve never been, the bread is raw?

Snake from the Garden of Eden, obv

Mr. Robot (and more importantly Sam Esmail) announces its end yesterday, she announces this today. Coincidence, I think not!