“27 years old”
I’ve been watching him closely this season, and Lebron is a really good athlete, imo.
snark all you want but I thought for the first podcast Simmons had hired the director of Iron Man to do a political podcast. Maybe its my own ignorance, but I think you have to follow politics very closely to know speechwriters let alone call them a star.
Plus, the dude wrote Swingers and directed Iron Man. I think he knows how Hollywood works.
“Shit, try running through Cleveland for eternity.”
Considering the size of the leak, her sentence was not excessive and she deserves to be in jail. Not a fan of this decision.
deft movement of the goalposts.
Isn’t “pissing all over The Concourse” what Hamilton Nolan does every week?
In Rodgers’ honor, Lambeau Field plans to sell a new sandwich called the “Hail Mary.” It’s full of grease.
Also, why not go above & beyond & make it taste like people?
Can’t wait to see the look on everyone’s faces when Trump somehow gets in.
And by the time next season starts, he’ll be 40 years old.
Seriously, Gladbach/Fiorentina should be a great match too.
You really going to demonize me because I liked neither Trump or Clinton and voted for the Libertarian ticket with the hope of expanding a two party system to add more alternatives? I understand you are demoralized with the results, but these sorts of tantrums and talking in absolutes that condemn people with…
Everyone I know who voted Johnson voted Republican down ticket. That’s just 3 people and completely anecdotal, but if you really forced Johnson voters to pick Trump or Clinton, I’m not sure it would’ve swung the election in her favor anyway.
I think he did. If anything Johnson most likely helped make this closer for Hillary than it otherwise would’ve been. Trump won whether Gary Johnson existed or not.
I guess I don’t understand his platform that well, but I thought he took votes more from the Repubs than from Dems?