Just Cars for Joe Bryant

I guess that depends on your definitions of “our lifetimes”.

Isn’t the current version of Audi actually DKW? OG Audi is dead, and they moved the name over to the more successful brand.

I saw both Smokey movies, Cannonball Run and Hooper at the drive-in. Something about those movies just works with a drive-in setting. Shame most people under the age of 40 missed out on that whole experience.

“For the good old American life: For the money, for the glory, and for the fun... mostly for the money.” - Bandit

rest in peace, Turd Ferguson.

... I’m struggling to find something wrong with this ... 

Considering there hasn’t been any stories like this in Canada and we salt the shit out of our cities, I doubt this is a problem with GM and their use of salt. If this was the case, every small town Canada on wells would have this issue and its never cropped up.

“O’Nions said they now believe the increased levels of sodium has led to a level of arsenic in their water that’s ‘above the recommended level.’”

You have serious anger issues, and/or wish to have a romantic relationship with the author. And pro tip: no full-on adult gives a damn about how many followers someone has in some meaningless online whatever-the-fuck. Talk to people face-to-face more often; you’ll find you’re the asshole you accuse everyone else of

How many times is this story going to get recycled?

As well as the Mondial. (Kinja isn’t playing nice with inserting images into posts tonight)

See, there’s your problem. In Michigan we don’t have those furrin’ cars.

Careful what you ask for, you might just get it...

Look! STOCK CAR racing!

I’m keen to write it, but I need to do more reading on it first. The GM/DeLorean split is, so I’ve found so far at least, rather more complicated than it seems.

That was after GM threatened to pull his retirement perks for defaming the company - he tried to get his name taken off the book and stop it from being published.

David Tracy stole this formula.

Either you’re British or you mispelled “Color”

Now playing

Has anyone actually asked a “grid girl” or a group of “grid girls” how they feel?