Joe The Drummer

I’d describe the racing sequences more like slap-stick than cheesy. Ricky is driving with a Fig Newton banner that covers half his’s too self-aware to be cheesy. 

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I was flipping through channels a bunch of years ago, thought I was turning on “Cannonball Run,” ended up watching this instead:

Side bonus - exam time!

Doesn’t count. They said “cheesy” not “hilarious”. 

Good catch. I can’t tell if either car has its net up. Almost looks like a photo shoot instead of race action. That’s the late, great Benny Parsons in the 15, and the equally late, great Neil Bonnett in the 21.

Definitely racing movies, and layers upon layers of cheese.

Catch me if you Can should be at the TOP of the list. Love the opening scene showing him clearly shifting a manual transmission. Then when he arrives at school throws a column shift automatic into park. 😂

I will now spend my morning watching Cannonball Run.....

.............for the 382,206th time.

Thanks for the reminder.

Yeah. This used to be on late night cable for a while. Now I cant find it anywhere. Used to be good for a few laughs, as the wrecks were insane. 

Any and all of the early Herbie movies deserve a nod. (Buddy Hackett as a race mechanic? Come on... ) And Days Of Thunder, just because it takes itself oh so very seriously.

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Not a movie, but loved it every Sat. morning. “Wacky Races”

Somebody finally knows cheesy racing movies. You get a star.

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Seriously people, I leave you people unsupervised for one day. ONE DAY. And nobody comes up with THE cheesiest racing movie of all time?

Anything by Hal Needham is worthy of some good American Cheese. And a good dose of Andreine Barbeau.

42 is the best.

You do know that this rabbit hole is really deep?

Six Pack or Stroker Ace. Does that show my age?

Pretty sure we’re talking cars here but I have very fond memories of Rad which is technically a racing movie 

* Professional Driver on Closed Course