The story of a Jeep aficionado who travels from Michigan to Washington to rescue a derelict Jeep FC that all others had given up hope of ever seeing run again.
The story of a Jeep aficionado who travels from Michigan to Washington to rescue a derelict Jeep FC that all others had given up hope of ever seeing run again.
Pretty sure they're using a Dynacorn body to start with. But yeah, half a million is just too much even for a short run. If Ford could make these themselves and sell it for 60k they'd make a mint.
Just because you don’t like one aspect of the vehicle doesn’t mean you’re a purist or a luddite. It’s just means I have different preferences than you do. Personally I hate the giant screen on its own, regardless of the car.
Replacing the gas-powered running gear of old cars is not new and is something I’d gladly advocate for if it encourages more classics out onto the road
Well now I want someone to take the sparky bits out of one of those EV converted Fairmonts and swap it into a four-eyed Fox Mustang (preferably a senior-spec coupe), make a more proper electric Mustang. You’d probably do just as well taking the cheapest stuff you could find from Harbor Freight/Princess Auto, but this…
It is for this very reason that I chose not to LS-swap my NA Miata. I have yet to drive anything swapped with an LS and I very much want to. It is, as RegularCars stated, the GameGenie of engines. If you have an LS, YOU WIN!
if you are entertained by surprising the heck out of people, then the Solstice would definitely deliver in droves.
Nah. Everybody expects a Corvette to be a heavy hitter.
Well your point makes sense from a practicality standpoint, but if you are entertained by surprising the heck out of people, then the Solstice would definitely deliver in droves.
7 trucks
Yes, you are right. Silly of me, really.
Have they (Hollywood) no shame? No shame, and no ideas.
If you look, you’ll be able to find examples everywhere of younger millennials and “Gen Z” demonstrating both a contempt for literally everything that happened before they showed up and a tremendous amount of ignorance about everything that happened before they showed up. My observation only... they also seem to have…
I’m gonna throw Daniel Craig’s hat in the ring too, dude can truly pull off a turtleneck
Ronin is excellent, of course. Bullitt is quite slow paced, but thats pretty standard for movies of the era. The car plays a fairly minor role, but its been a while since I’ve seen it and I’m not sure if there are other chases tbh. Its not a movie that revolves around the car at all, but the way that the car chase in…
Hmm never seen the movie, so I can’t comment on it, but I always though Bullitt was like one of THE most iconic car movies, ever. Strange there is only one really big chase, at least according to the article. Personally my ALL TIME car movie has always been Ronin.
Dafuq? Bullitt is slow, yes, and maybe plagued with a bit too much Jazz Flute, but its deliberately slow. Lots of movies were back then. Because exposition was a thing. Its cool if you’re used to Michael Bay shit and don’t know how to watch a movie thats not going a million miles and hour all the time, but…
The one thing that humans still have (if they actually used it), is the ability to predict another drivers potential behavior and to be proactive
How come it never comes up that self driving cars are the worst of both worlds? It’s all the expense of ownership with none of the fun of driving.