Joe The Drummer

Another one.

Ooh, that reminds me of the tv show “Viper.”

Since Teslas now stop for nothing on top of not being able to see red firetrucks, EMS rigs or light blue box trucks, its of the utmost urgency that every other manufacturer begins installation of standard TPAS* and TAS** immediately.

hERe wE gO wiTh jAloPNIk’s anTi-TeSLa aGenDa aGaIN!!!!11

“It is impossible to test all hardware configs in all conditions with internal QA, hence public beta.”

Owen, let me tell you something about deer.

Ok, in hindsight they were a terrible idea. But, in the early-mid ‘90s everybody had a bra on the front of their car. Every. Body.

If you actually read all the ‘negative’ articles about Tesla on Jalopnik, you’ll note that almost all of them are caveated with positive statements about the vehicles engineering, capabilities and the impact of Tesla on the broader automotive market. But they don’t spend 12 paragraphs repeating that because there’s

Cops complain about their negative public image, then go on to do bullshit like this.  Hey, Pig!  Stop protecting the abusive assholes on the force and public perception will improve!  You have no one to blame but yourselves.

Good luck breaking the union. 

My neighbor’s brother, a Missouri state trooper, got pulled over by a hidden cop behind a hidden speed limit sign. This was on ongoing scam for the town, a revenue generator for the town with out of area people paying the bill. He took the ticket, but went back a week later and arrested that officer, impounded the

All PD’s should be totally controlled by civilian boards with DA and Police agents acting as advisors. Also, any damages resulting from police misconduct should be taken from the department’s pension fund. No funds from seizures/forfeiture/fines should ever make their way into the PD’s budget (nor that of the

You won’t find many cars more comfortable (in terms of seating) than a mid 1970s American floating living room. Drive a 1975 Buick Limited or a 1978 Lincoln Town Car. Opt for the fabric upholstery over the leather. Sure, there’s tons of plastic (both inside and outside), and they drive like boats and handle like

You mean Wilmer?

This story broke due to the efforts of AL dot com reporter John Archibald. He not only dove deep into this piece, but has done outstanding follow-up reporting. Maybe link to his original work instead of the aggregated piece in The Guardian?

My guess is they pulled over the wrong patriarch or scion.”

the personal matter was that his “fuck off to Cozumel” fund had achieved it’s GoFundMe threshold.

I had a girlfriend with an escort(no, not like that) like that. She had another escort, a wagon, same generation, with the horn in the correct place

Like most every other comment, I will say carbs.

Poorly designed self-driving vehicles being unleashed on public roads is actually much higher on the list of things I care about than F1 racing, because who wins an F1 race doesn’t really affect me personally.