My F-150 has a clutch and a foot operated headlight dimmer switch. Turns out you don’t need to use both at the same time.
My F-150 has a clutch and a foot operated headlight dimmer switch. Turns out you don’t need to use both at the same time.
I find it hilarious that you want an extra system to provide more feedback to the numbed, over-assisted cars of today, whereas the chassis and suspension of many marginally older cars (and a small number of newer ones not thusly designed) would have given you all of the feedback through the seat and steering wheel…
Great. Thanks. Now I’m hungry.
I don’t care if your daddy IS the mayor. You wreck this car, it’s coming out of your pay!
Oh yeah, I tried watching Dukes of Hazzard, too. Awful.
Jackie Gleason was pretty much allowed to ad lib through large parts of his appearances. Additionally, he had a photographic memory and didn’t believe in rehearsal very much.
I was 7 the year this came out. My parents did take me to movies, because I can remember seeing Star Wars and Rocky in the theater, but I am not sure we saw this. Since I loved cars, it wasn’t long until we got a VCR, or cable (or both, probably around 1982) that this would have been rectified. This became one of my…
This is probably my favorite movie of all time. When I was a kid our family would visit Blockbuster on the regular, and this is what I requested to rent nearly every single time (sometimes denied, often granted). I guess my parents weren’t smart enough to just buy it on VHS. Or maybe they knew exactly what they were…
This movie is everything. It’s my childhood spent jumping bikes over ditches pretending we were driving the Bandit’s TransAm. It’s county music. It’s Jerry Reed who so desperately reminds me of my uncle who passed last year. I teared up watching the music video because of the nostalgia. This movie and East Bound and…
I was brought home from the hospital in a black 77 Trans Am, 400 poncho, 4-speed. It was my mom’s favorite car of all time and it all started with this movie. My first childhood memory is being smashed against the red backseat of my dad’s 455 swapped 81 NASCAR pacecar Trans Am while listening to Bad Moon Rising by…
I loved this movie. I saw it and Star Wars in the theater when I was four. I was always a car kid when I was little (sleeping with hotwheels in each hand) but these movies cemented my love for fast cars (space ships) and subversion.
I loved this movie as a kid and have been terrified to rewatch it for that reason.
I was seven when it came out. Our town had one theater with two screens. One played Star Wars, the other Smokey and the Bandit. I liked SW, but loved SMTB, still do. Yes, it’s dated, but that’s part of the fun.
During the summer since there are no sports on TV or pretty much anything to do in Newark we play B-Movies. First is a 50s or 60s Sci-fi and second is a great bad movie like this. After 5 years we finally play smokey and the bandit and every person there saw it, like every good American should, except for the guy from…
One of my favorite movies of all-time. As a 10-year old at the time the movie was released, I honestly felt like I almost lived it. We had a family friend who would take me on long haul trucking trips, I had a Basset Hound and shortly after seeing the movie in the theater, my Mother bought a Solar Gold 1978 Trans Am…
This is one of those movies that must never be re-made. Whatever actor played the Sheriff would be inferior to Jackie Gleason. He delivered some great lines, including the last line he spoke to Junior: “Do what I tell you, you pile o’ monkey nuts!” Nobody, nobody will convince me that that is not the greatest line in…
I watched the movie all the time growing up and just saw the video for ‘Ride wit me’ the other day. My wife wouldn’t believe they video is based on Bandit.
They made a genuinely good movie, with good dialogue and characters you care about and all that, out of what could have been just a stunt show and/or the first of the long string of disposable “Burt Reynolds ratting around with his pals” exercises that would come along all too soon. In particular, he and Sally Field,…