Joe The Drummer

Don't buy Ford. Noted.

Another day, another story about new car tech that reinforces my decision to never own an automobile newer than approximately model year 2012 for the rest of my life.

Same. Seeing this car in Hot Rod agazine was one of the first things that gave me hope for the performance future as a 16-year-old kid, that we could actually look forward to better things instead of having to continue to look backwards at them. I mean, it’s not like you could go order this at your Chevy dealer or

That was sarcasm. That’s why I typed it in sArCaSm FoNt. It’s the common rebuttal from bootlicker types every time the police kill someone.

WeLL tHeY sHoUlDn'T hAvE bRoKeN tHe LaW tHeN

Trump never signed an infrastructure bill, but you want to give him credit somehow?”

Then perhaps you would like to explain why the American Society of Civil Engineers “infrastructure report card” was stuck between D- and D+ for the last twenty years, before “improving” to a C- on the most recent one - which was released this year, which comes out every four years, meaning that the Trump

Soooo, support the party that let this bridge fall apart. 10-4.

And straw man is made of straw. Congratulations on debunking a point I never made.

“Threatening jail time over a small matter of etiquette” is more or less the precise definition of contempt of court, and has been for ages.

Luckily, our hurricane-related price gouging law kept prices level. The real problem was panic-buying idiots sucking the tanks dry.

Update: filled up tonight. Apparently the solution to our local shortage was simply for the next tanker truck to arrive. You know, since the pipeline issue does not affect the Florida panhandle, and our shortage was a problem my town created for itself.

Update: filled up tonight. Apparently all I had to do was wait for the next tanker truck to arrive.

It’s hilarious how you turned this statement into some sort of defense of Trump, whom I loathe.

Pensacola, Florida here - no gas to be had. Every station has bags over the pumps - and my area isn’t even serviced by the pipeline.Our gas is trucked in from Texas and Louisiana. Combination of pants-on-head panic buying, and the local gasoline terminal - whatever that is - flunking an EPA test and being on slowdown

Sheeit. Every president I can remember back to at least Clinton has campaigned on "crumbling roads and bridges." Both parties have kicked this can down the crumbling road for ages.

It’s available on Spotify, with a “new” episode dropping every Saturday, as is tradition. And I still tune in every Saturday. 

I was ambivalent about her until I read her "statement."

So one cop Pitt-maneuvered the other. How ironic. 
