Meanwhile, they seem to be trying to kill the rest of us.
How about the 73,999,962 children per year whose parents remember they’re in the back seat?
Lock the car.
That’s 53 out of 74 million.
You know how many children died in the worst year ever in the US for deaths due to being left in a hot car? 53.
My top picks:
This 1985 Celica GT-S hatchback, which was what I really wanted when I bought my 1983 GT notch:
Paging David Tracy! 1978 Jeep Cherokee 4dr with a 4-speed manual:…
It could be worse.
My very first car, a 1978 Camaro, kept blowing a fuse when I turned on the AC. I drove it to the mechanic warm after 30 miles of driving, I left it overnight so they could test it cold, they drove over every pothole and speed bump in the parking lot, and they could not reproduce the results. I eventually just decided…
General Motors XP-833, also known as the Pontiac Banshee. John DeLorean made this sexy little beast while at Pontiac, show The Brass that an economically priced 2 seater sports coupe could be done. It would have come stock with a predecessor of the Pontiac OHC Sprint straight 6 making 215hp, with every Pontiac engine…
Oh look, my daily reminder that I will never buy a car made after circa 2010 for the rest of my life.
Oh, a 360 would be even better for period-correct swag.
That’s a matter of opinion, but it is definitely a Corvette thing.
I saw one on the interstate yesterday obviously on its way to a car show. What a handsome, mean looking muscle car those were.
That color is called Corvette yellow, making it the most Corvette color you can possibly have.
Obligatory Tim Wilson bit.
Did GM make any other kind between approximately 1972 and 1993?
I would do bad things for a 6.2-swapped Imperial Sinatra Edition.
I’m just here to remind everyone that automakers have spent vastly less effort bringing this technology to market than they have bringing phony engine noise technology to market.
I was five when this movie came out. My uncle took me to see it. This was its grand entrance. The die was cast. Honey hush.