Jobu's Voodoo

So which one of these asshats do you support or are you just waiting until the dust settles to pick whichever insane fuckshit the GOP approves of? Pick one, right now.

just get with the times, start accepting people for who they are, quit fearing things you dont know or uncomfortable with, dont worry about getting attacked, quit telling people how to live their lives, quit sucking the dick of billionaires who tell you the bs line hard work is all it takes to be like me and youll be

I would argue that a multi-millionare spending $50,000 on a wedding is being pretty economic.

This battle with Johnson's parents sure is no brushfire fairytale.

I know this isn’t how the system works, but his parents should legally be on the hook for every penny of this.

I hear she gives the best head, a little toothy, but just amazing. She can literally suck a golf ball out of a garden hose.

The light of Carl Sagan and his incredible advancement of knowledge through science and appreciation of the mysteries of the universe outshines all the popes, preachers, mullahs, saviors, gods, and creationists.

I know it closes Fight Club, that’s what I meant when I said “I made the connection.” haha.

Hopefully this isn’t a white/gold blue/black situation.

No thoughts or comments on the scene after the credits and the knock on Elliot’s door!? It seemed pretty damn important towards the direction of Season 2 to be completely omitted from your write up. The CEO of Evil Corp meeting with the (cross-dressing or transsexual) White Rose...perhaps that’s why he had such

He can kill the persona without having to kill the person. There are plenty of other reasons it doesn’t work but... Elliot has one hell of an imagination. What’s real? He see’s his family on the screen at times square. Why not imagine the meeting with Tyrell and the Layers? LOTS of referances to “what’s real???”

Now playing

For the use of this song alone!! So awesome when I heard the first few notes and made the connection. Brilliantly played.

Found the full last ep quote, needed to put it here because it’s fucking genius:

“Darlene has on heart-shaped sunglasses and is throwing post-hack “end of the world” parties, complete with guest DJs and Solo cups in their Coney Island headquarters. Is she after fame?”

Holy shit what a finale. Season 2 cannot come fast enough.

Looks like an error to me, that being it was a fieldable ball that the second basemen fucks up.

Preach. The problem with IPAs is the market is flooded with ill-conceived, poorly formulated beers with names like Hopfucker and less to do with the style itself. Pliny the Elder has some stiff competition these days but it’s an excellent standard if you want to ensure you’re getting something good.

To clarify, that is the best list of new sours (and I’m not 100% sure I agree with their list but hey, beer nerds argue this shit all the time). The BEST sour, hands down shut up you’re wrong if you think otherwise, is the Duchess de Bourgogne. It’s a flanders red ale from Belgium and if it wasn’t so damn expensive

The Bruery Terreux. You forgot about them!

One of the things that blew me away about Portland the first time I visited is that they have brewhouses/barrelhouses devoted to specific types of beer.