Jobu's Voodoo

Yes, he is.

Check out the big brains on Big Nick!

They are...if you tap on a reported incident such as accident, hazard, or police...Waze will show you the user who reported it, assuming that person hasn’t chosen to be anonymous. I just clicked on 15 or so reports near me and not a single one was generated by a noob (pacifier-ed) Wazer. Furthermore, Waze explicitly

I’ve got to disagree. I think the points system (when combined with the ‘thumbs up’ or ‘not there’ feature) serves a good purpose in that Wazers with higher points (rank) are given a priority when reporting various things. This influence helps to establish a sort of trust system if you will, to help improve the


May I ask what you didn’t like about the Casper? I’m considering pulling the trigger on one and would love to hear some actual feedback.

Seats also require oiled up human being to be strapped in for one week to ‘break in’.

It means exactly what my ignorant ass thinks it means. As I’ve upset you, I should further clarify that I have great esteem for those working towards the advancement of medicine. It would seem perhaps you fall in this category as you’ve taken such offense to the term ‘Big Pharma’ and I apologize if that is indeed your

You are so incredibly wrong. This is ‘big pharma’ even if he’s considered to be just a fly on its wall. These fuckers (big and small), ALL conspire to price-fix drug costs and reap massive profits in doing so. Either remove your head from your ass, or find another forum to be a blowhard for the pharmaceutical

That’s funny, I won $60 on a $3 bet in Week 1 as a first time “Draft King”.

Yo Roger, you have no marbles!

With Melvin Gordon, San Diego Is Just Whatever

Former (non-professional) athlete here. I fractured my patella right down the middle about 8 years ago. Even with the two screws, a lengthy recovery period, and a minor cleanup procedure a couple years back, my knee has never been the same. Coming from someone who isn’t putting anywhere near the wear and tear on it

Agreed....and I’d guess none because he doesn’t let her leave the house.

and Starbucks coffee.

Cushing had me laughing pretty damn hard during Episode 2. Dude is a lunatic!

Fruit of the Loom - “Stay Tucked”.... They are quite long, and should be what you’re looking for.

‘Felon’s steam’! Bravo good sir.

Robertson comes off as a real schmuck here. You’re a professional with it, bro.