
Glad you caught the joke.

You mean it’s been around since The Mighty Ducks, similar to ‘selfie’ being around since last year.

This is the exact type of blog post that probably makes guys think twice about giving defensive effort on mismatches and dunks.

Guess we know where MJ has his money on this bet.

To be fair, your overly sensitive (is there any other kind?) feminism makes you attractive to 0% of men and 100% of cis Jezebel readers.

He's got money and fame. That should make him attractive to 80% of women.

“That’s exactly what I’ve been telling the league for 20 years!”

What distance could a football be punted by you?

Note: You’ll need to be logged into your My Best Buy account to see the deal.“

Note: You’ll need to be logged into your My Best Buy account to see the deal.“

The ACC’s ban on satellite camps has been absolute hell for UNC’s astronomy department.

Ah, come on. That’s not that bad of a tweet. Cut the man some slacks.

No. She’s still in Kentucky

Fucking hypocrite getting plenty of support from the big banks, I see.

am p upset rn, not gonna lie

The pics were in focus and landscape, so I was sure you were lying initially.

I hope she deleted all of my pics.

Jolie Kerr just had a seizure.

that font beat comic sans 105-108

*cough* Bullshit *cough*

“#2: Zero or negative G maneuvers in excess of 10 seconds”