

Then the pan to the audience; half are laughing like maniacs, the other half is “What? What kind of name is Callisee? Is that Jewish? It’s the end of days!”

“Khaleesi is coming to Westeros!” Was the best damn part.

Jesus. I thought the Oscars crowd was full of stuffed shirts, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many self-serious old white botoxed fuckwads as in the crowd shots from this thing. (And I’m white and, well, aging.)

I love that half the damned audience had no farging clue who Luther was/what was happening/why they were such chumps.

God damn, Mark. I thought nothing could horrify me more than rosebud, but that fucking Pumps video did it.

Probably because even if a judge ruled in his favor, he wouldn’t get a lot of money out of a college student. Columbia, however, is another matter entirely.

But why on earth would the government need to fix anything. Private companies are responsible, and the free market ensures that all problems perceived by the customers will be rectified by the companies that caused the problem. Government is feckless, disorganized, and incapable of accomplishing any large task. Their

I should have been clearer; having read the manga, I’m aware of future progressions in the series that make up for the anime’s presentation of the story—and I’m really hoping that future seasons of the anime rise to the level of the manga.

My problem with the anime is that it’s -all- emotion dialed up to eleven, and


I’m hoping it will pick up in the second season, but up until they reached the Female Titan arc, AoT was nothing but Erin alternating between sociopathic raving about his desire to murder all of the Titans, and soldiers making the “uhhhh—uuuuuuuuuuh” noise of terror whilst staring wide-eyed at an enemy they’d fought

We’ve eliminated a handful of positions and refocused our company-wide talent to address departments that need support and cut redundancies.

Yeah, because people who want to see Paul Blart are going to read these reviews and be like, whaaaaaa? Not as good as the book?

They charge astronomical prices for extremely simplistic devices and pretend they’re advanced. You can buy a neato robotic vacuum for the SAME PRICE or LESS that actually uses sensors to map the room, it is FAR more advanced, and works great.

IRobot’s Roombas as are some of the most pathetic and overpriced excuses for robots we’ve ever seen.

Holy crap. I clicked on the video and knew exactly where she is at (sign me up to be an investigative reporter, ESPN. I have a college degree, am in good shape, have all my teeth, and live in an apartment). Before everyone absolutely rags on Britt here, let me play devil’s advocate for just one second.

Lord Valentine's Castle, by Robert Silverberg.

The Black Company by Glenn Cook - it intrigued me when compared to LOTR, which is the main fantasy book schools push you toward. It's written from the perspective of the soldiers, by the annalist for an Elite Merc group, it switches narratives at times and parts are from the actual annuals/journal. Throughout the

Northern Lights by Philip Pullman