
Eat Fresh!



I couldn't think of anything funny, but if you were a moron, you might mistake that guy for a not-as-fat Chris Christie.


This is great news, and hopefully can be expanded upon. FIFA, NBA Live, and (remaining) Street franchises would probably benefit from female leagues/teams.


It needs to be pointed out that this movie stars MARTIN FUCKING SHEEN.

+All of it.

Actually, because she jumped and lifted her arm to shield her upper body, the intent was for the ball to hit her arm and not her upper body. Intent!

Great Moments In ESPN Books Doing Twitter Interviews


The $9M was deemed to be a "purely commercial investment."

Incredible. +1


Apparently the Koreans needed to pay for the opportunity to appeal, but had no cash.

Mother of God. +1

Sure, he takes a couple shots... at first.

This is how he does it.
